Things You Can Do to Ensure the Best Chance of a Good Result Any motor vehicle accident, even one that seems like a minor fender-bender, can have serious medical consequences. What you do in the immediate aftermath of a collision or other wreck can … [Read more...]
Wishing You And Yours A Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
Whiplash Injuries—Causes, Symptoms, and Recovery
What Are the Common Causes? How Do You Know When You've Suffered Whiplash? What Can You Expect As You Recover? Whiplash is one of the most debilitating injuries you can suffer. What is it? What are the common causes? What are the warning signs of a … [Read more...]
Happy Thanksgiving
Choosing Your Medical Caregiver in a Missouri Workers’ Compensation Claim
The Rights Granted to an Employer When a Worker Is Injured In Missouri, as in other states, a person who allegedly suffers an injury in the workplace has a right to file a workers' compensation claim, seeking benefits for potential lost income and … [Read more...]
Common Injuries Suffered by Postal Workers
The Types of Injuries That Most Often Lead to Workers' Compensation Claims When you've been injured in the workplace, you generally have a right to get medical treatment for those injuries and have any reasonable and necessary medical care paid for … [Read more...]
Helping an Older Family Member Reduce the Risk of a TBI
Steps You Can Take to Lower the Risk of a Traumatic Brain Injury According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), about one of every three traumatic brain injuries in the United States involves a person over the age of 75. The vast majority of … [Read more...]
Knowing When to See a Doctor After a Head Injury
How to Tell When Your Condition Is Serious Many head injuries are different from other types of trauma because they can't be seen. With any type of bump or blow to the head, your brain can bounce off the inside of your skull, causing damage to cells … [Read more...]
What Are the Potential Physical Consequences of a TBI?
What Types of Injuries Are Commonly Associated With a Traumatic Brain Injury? You’ve fallen down and hit your head, or you’ve been in a car accident and suffered whiplash or bumped your head on the dashboard. It’s likely that you’ve sustained a … [Read more...]
The Likelihood of Suffering a TBI in a Motor Vehicle Accident
Can You Suffer a Traumatic Brain Injury Without Impact? While the Centers for Disease Control reports that falls are the single biggest cause of traumatic brain injury, motor vehicle accidents are also a significant factor, leading to about one in … [Read more...]